Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Heyyy there beautiful people !

Yes you are beautiful. No matter what. Don't forget that.

I have been told I'm one of the LAZIEST person when it comes to skincare. I rarely use them and doesn't really care and don't even mention about make up BUT I still want to look pretty !

hahahahahahaha ohhh come on any women deserves to feel pretty right ?

I was struggling through my teenage years in figuring out the best skincare for me. A lot of try and error. Money flying by, skin damaged, confidence crushed. URGHHH

But alhamdulillah ! I found THE ONE !

I have been using it for almost 3 years. It repairs, protect and makes me preeeeettierrr

the product called Charms Cosmetic Skincare.

It's organic, paraben free, SLS free and long lasting. Since I'm still student long lasting really helps because skincare is quite expensive so for me to only buy it every 6 months saves a lot ! I used to buy my cleanser every month and it cost me RM20. But Charms Cleanser only cost RM65. So if you do the math :

Normal cleanser : RM20 x 6 (month) = RM120

Charms cleanser : RM65 for 6 months. even if you divide it (65/6), you only pay RM10 every month.

I tried the Charms cleanser and make up remover first. Since it was organic and chemical free, there wasn't a quick effect on skin. I noticed there was slight change. My skin looked healthy *idk if this is the correct way to describe it hahaahhaa. At this point I only use the cleanser and my fair & lovely moisturizer. A lot people saying fair & lovely ain't good but it works for me. So don't bother listen to anyone. As long as it works for you, go for it.

A year later, I add their Toner to my routine. It wasn't a good start. I had few skin peeling off. Their consultant said it was normal for first time user. Being me, I freaked out ! I didn't use it regularly but after few weeks it was okay. Turns out it was so good for my skin. It just need time to adjust. The toner really helped me whenever i had acne rising up. I use it religiously for few days then pooofff they're gone !

And then comes my secret weapon, the POWDER FOUNDATION ! okay bare with me, I'm a very lazy person so I didn't do it properly like all tutorial videos. After I put on my moisturizer, I dab the foundation onto my forehead, cheeks,chin, bridge of my nose eye lids (and whenever I feel I need to be extra pretty). That's it ! that's my make up. It works for me because I don't have to buy compact powder because it has powder already, and it repairs my skin too. Apparently in the foundation they put organic things in it that repairs your skin while making you look beautiful.

if you want more info, you can check @themukayou on instagram. I started The Muka You to help other girls look pretty without any hard work nor expensive treatment. I mean come on, you don't have to be rich to look beautiful. Ask me any question, I'm more than happy to help. I use the product so I'm a living testimony.

see you there !
